OMG This Is Hard

I apologize for lack of news and posts, etc. I’m too busy doing stuff to write about doing stuff. I don’t know how regular bloggers do it.

Anyway! I’m NOT dead. The Red Panda is NOT dead. I have been sucked into a few mod projects, some quick little dinky side projects… And they have consumed my life. They manage to take forever.

I need to get better/faster at creating avatars, clothing, textures, etc; I need to get better at Blender. But the only way to do that is to keep plugging along…

I EXPECT to get back to the Red Panda in about two weeks. I also have an idea on how to convert the Dolphin to an Orca… that’s one of those ‘simple’ things that will probably take six months :/

Then there’s the rideable dolphin (and orca), and the Ava2Ani rideable scriptset… and… and… and… I just want to do ALL THE THINGS!

I need time.

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